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Kim tiêm cầm máu,Articulator ,BX00711808,US endoscopy,Mỹ

Kim tiêm cầm máu,Articulator ,BX00711808,US endoscopy,Mỹ


Articulator Injection Needle

The Articulator™ injection needle is a reliable, yet affordable, needle ideal for everyday use and dependable enough for the most immediate needs. From saline assisted polypectomy to esophageal varices, ulcers, and tatooing, the Articulator™ injection needle is the steadfast choice for injection therapy.

  • Luer-lock, spring-loaded handle that helps promote maximum needle projection, while protecting against scope damage and inadvertent needle sticks
  • Kink resistant, stainless steel sheath to pass smoothly and perform in articulated endoscopes
  • Stainless steel hub to aid in tamponade and help ensure only the needle penetrates the mucosa

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